
Tuesday 27 November 2012

My Personal Brand Logo

Hey readers!

So, last night I decided to whip up a logo for myself, as part of my personal branding assignment for advertising.

After looking at a couple references, I decided to use Adobe Illustrator to make it. I've used Photoshop and inDesign, but I've never really used Illustrator - but I figured it wouldn't be too much different.

It ended up going pretty well. The program is very similar to inDesign, but it has more detailed drawing and shape functions. I didn't really do any drawing for it, but the major difference that I used is that you can make the lines from the pen tool taper off, which was awesome.

I kind of knew what I wanted to do ahead of time. My original design that I doodled out was just the side-by-side K and F, with the D and I in the middle (as they're my middle names, derp). I also wanted to have my "pop of colour" theme in the logo, and decided to do so by making the D and I different colours. But after doing so, I felt that it needed more, so I created little swirly designs coming off of the D and I, then added some happy bubbles.

I really like how it turned out, considering it's my first attempt at using Illustrator and logo design. I'll likely edit it more in the future though.

(P.S. The details are a lot more visible in the PDF and vector files, the JPEG and TIFFs just kinda butchered it. xP )

1 comment:

  1. What do your BFCCs (Best Friends in CreComm) say about your design?
